You don't have to be a design professional to create amazing property designs, you just need to learn from one!


Who am I even?

Hi, I'm Paige.  I'm a mom, an anthropologist, a designer, and a full time traveler.  I used to think my passion was creating amazing properties for my clients, but that changed when I started helping people learn to create amazing properties for themselves.
Now, while I still love design, I've realized that I love teaching others how to achieve their own success even more.  

Words seriously can’t do justice to how grateful we are to you! We were so lost before we found you and the people we tried to hire to help us before you were nice people, but far from motivated to see this through. We felt like we were adrift in a vast ocean before we found you! You totally rescued us! ”


Rachel Nemeth, Eagle River AK


Want to learn my top three strategies to creating a property that will stop the scroll of potential guests and have them ready to book with you at the drop of a hat?  

Get Instant Access to the Free Training Now!

It's all about the story.  


Learn what your property's story is and how to tell it through design.  Then learn how it can help you with everything else you do for your property!

Tell your story through your photos.

Your property's photos are everything.  Your Hero image is the first point of contact you have with potential guests- make it amazing!

Function is key.



Don't just make something that looks pretty- make something that's comfortable and fits the exact needs of your guests.  It's easier than you think!


The one and only course you need to get you from closing to launch- create a property that will make you more money, while SAVING money and time on the design process.

In the STR Design for Hosts Masterclass, I teach my revolutionary SSUFF method for design.  This method allows ANYONE, whether they have a design background or not, to create an amazing property that will stand apart from your comps and get you more bookings and more money- guaranteed


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